Drop the photos of your chosen un-built kit for the OctoberFest One-Week Build here. I will then have a thread for the Build Progress Photos that any of you may have once we get started. Thanks! Looking forward to it!
Since this is build like a kid again, I picked this one----The old Monogram Black Widow. This simple kit only has about 54 parts I think so if time allows while paint is drying, I will try and squeeze in this old Lindberg 1/32 kit. It is simple, cute and gives me an excuse to build it since it has been in my stash pile for almost 35 years. This is gonna make me feel like I am 11 years old again!
I have a junk Baja Bug I picked up somewhere, all busted up. I am taking it apart, and combining it with a dune buggy kit for new parts.I just need a stock VW hood.
(https://images14.fotki.com/v219/photos/0/3714830/16182020/91219001-vi.jpg) (https://public.fotki.com/outlaw-ford/73-torino-cbp/9-12-19-001.html)
Bought this from David Bogard back in May of 2018 ...one of those "get around to it sometime builds" well I guess the time has come.
I am going to update it to a '73 ...I think the '72 front grills are ugly....to make it a '73 I will use one of my resin pulls from the Starsky & Hutch Ford Gran Torino from the parts box. I will be building this as a local Modified Street Stock from the mid '80's , so a lot of the NASCAR stuff wont be used to cut down on build time needed. I will be building the engine last , just in case I need to make this a last second trackside/curbside build due to the constraints of time hence the stock big block Ford intake pictured. I need to keep this as close to OOB as possible and stay away from scratch building as much as possible exception being the front grill/bumper. The portions of the car not visible wont even be painted and just enough suspension to keep the body off of the tires....I am going to concentrate on what you can see (body, interior) and pay less attention to those parts not easily visible.
Thanks ...I plan on re-visiting this build as well some time later on removing the H/M half chassis in favor of the Ford intermediate frame that was under it (1:1) since it is suppose to represent a Street Stock and opening up the trunk area by cutting out the rear deck lid as well as finishing up anything that was not able to be done the first time.
The Blue #44 at the bottom of this page http://www.shorttrackmodels.com/index.php?topic=1131.0 of this Tom Birky build I guess you could say serves as the idea that I want to incorporate with this build.
I'm going to build the Ramchargers Top Fuel dragster
(https://live.staticflickr.com/31337/48730404397_178fe59809_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hf94ua)Ramcharger AA Kit (https://flic.kr/p/2hf94ua) by Mark Shea (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156696694@N03/), on Flickr
Yeah, I may be a bit overconfident that I can finish this in a week. But I've wanted to build it for a while and thought a laser-focused effort may get it across the finish line. We shall see. Or I may wimp out and pick something else :-\
Let's see if I can get this to work two times in a row. I bought two of these kits while visiting my in-laws in Korea in 2015. Since this is a week long build I am going to try to polish the black plastic and spend most of my time detail painting the interior. May change out the wheels, if the other set I have will fit.
https://i.imgur.com/PX3x7CZ.jpg?1[/img]](https://i.imgur.com/PX3x7CZ.jpg?1) (http://[img)
https://i.imgur.com/xtHOT6V.jpg?1[/img]](https://i.imgur.com/xtHOT6V.jpg?1) (http://[img)
Having issues posting.......will try tomorrow.
Too many posts??
Gonna' try this again....
(https://i.postimg.cc/1tCcwS3N/Vette_OctFest_1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/wBkkxLK2/Vette_OctFest_2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/XJ7krq4b/Vette_OctFest_3.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Gonna' see if I can maybe break my far too long building slump.....
May swipe some parts from this kit's brother.....the '63 Vette Stingray.....
(https://farm66.staticflickr.com/65535/48778643721_1a8ac27013_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hjpimD)
Late start
(https://i.postimg.cc/Ghk9f0V4/IMG-20190922-2317394-rewind.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/562xHrxJ)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48784300496_7622fc35d0_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hjUhVf)2019-09-19 09.33.55 (https://flic.kr/p/2hjUhVf) by John Crook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/145647639@N06/), on F(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48784307796_e8b7f8193d_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hjUk67)2019-09-23 16.25.45 (https://flic.kr/p/2hjUk67) by John Crook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/145647639@N06/), on F(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48783946508_5033f9677a_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hjStG1)2019-09-21 12.20.15 (https://flic.kr/p/2hjStG1) by John Crook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/145647639@N06/), on Fli(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48784306221_f15e8432d3_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hjUjBX)2019-09-19 09.37.38 (https://flic.kr/p/2hjUjBX) by John Crook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/145647639@N06/), on Flickrckrlickrlickr
I'll be watching for the '36 Ford.
Failed to put a message but I see a lot of black in my future. The molds on all those old trophy kits have really gone down hill. Lots of flash to clean up.
I am switching gears a bit. Still building the bug, but I bought a used kit, since the bug I had laying around was just too junky and sort of a glue bomb. I like the stock body better to start with anyway. So same build, better kit parts.
Added some pics of my 36, probably the wrong place. But you know that at least I'm in the game. I taped the body together and soaked in hot water and left it to cool overnight, its still not perfect but it Will have to do. Changed plans and went with the kit engine instead of the y-block as planned. Now thinking of going 2 colors instead of one solid color after its just a shelfy!
Getting a very late start due to vacation but I've got this!!! Revell 57 Chevy Snap Tite has been on the shelf for several years...its go time!!! 8)
Thanks, David! This is going to be a tribute to my wife who picked this kit out just before she got sick the last time thinking she wanted to build a model car with me!!! Darn, I miss her...
Uups, i´m a little late for the Oktoberfest build, but somebody says ´Ãt´s never to late´ :)
I think i have to participate for two reasons: First, as far as i know, i am the only German here on ths cool forum,
which german doesn´t go to the Oktoberfest ? (Honestly, me. I was never in Munich on the `Wiesn`)
and second, October the 6th is my birthday, so i can give myself a cool birthdaygift, a stockcar i wants to build for a long time,
i hope i can fix it in a week... ;D ;D
So, i´m in!! Ich bin dabei !!
This is my kit to build, Tiny drove a Mercury in the sixties, light blue with neon red numbers,
i think it was a W-nose Merc., but the Cyclone Spoiler II will work for me as a cool shelfbuild :
Ich werde beobachten!
You are spot on David!! That is one of my all time favorite kits and I have several in different issues and some gloo-bomb built examples. Your kit is a re-pop of the original issue-----all save a few small differences-- and it is a joy! I cant wait to see what you come up with, you gonna love it! This was one of my favorite reissues:
Love those 34 pickups! I've got one too. Well , I popped in Ollie's today and got this. Gonna hack,cut,slice and dice it and combine it with a nascar chassis. Hope to make some sort of weird dirt street stock. Wish me luck! LOL!
Rick :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Mpp7HLH5/IMG-20191002-2153520-rewind.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Cz9B6mjn)
I've been kind of slack these past few days, the mojo got weak. However, today is going to be record setting hot - mid to high 90's with a heat index in triple digits - so that puts a halt to anything outside. Guess I will spend some time at the bench trying to get the Hyundai chromed. It is a really nice looking kit, but the panel lines are very faint and the plastic is a bit harder than most, making it difficult to deepen the lines without jumping out and scratching the body. Just polishing the body I lost parts of the two body panel lines around the rear corners. I will get it together and put it on the 10 foot shelf. I have another one, which will be carefully taped with Dymo tape and the lines scribed before doing anything else to it.
In recent years I picked up 7 of these kits, 6 are under the Lindberg issues. Don't remember where I found the late 60's (?) release that I assume was the first of the releases that featured the stake bed option. Had that initial release and built it straight out of the box, literally, still before I started painting my builds. One of the reasons for buying that version was not only the stake bed version,m but more for the dual tire setup on the rear. When I saw a newer(?) release in the early '70's, bought it. was disappointed that the stake bed and tire setup was not in that issue. took my original build, took it apart far enough to salvage the stake bed, wheels & tires,-and built a painted version....unfortunately that build was one of several that survived until the move from FL to NM in 2005 when several more builds from the '70's met their fate....
Have yet to talk myself into buying the latest release of this kit, until I know if this release has stake bed and dual rear tire setup.....
Have to get around to taking a pic of the above mentioned version...
Sent, the current reissue of the 34 Pickup does not include the stake bed, It is a very close reissue of the original pickup kit. If I recall correctly, there were only two stake bed issues from AMT--#T234 and T314. Later Issues of the stake bed are included in the Lindberg labeled kits. I am guessing but if the current 34 kit sells well we will see a second release possibly with the stake option, AMT--or Round2 has the tooling.
The kit I have is T234......
Of the Lindberg versions, only one does not have the stake bed option....
If and when R2/AMT brings out the version, with the stake bed and rear duals....then I might get interested....
Doggone you David. I am trying not to buy any more kits. I was in HL this morning and there was one of these little trucks staring at me from the shelf.
Luckily for me, it did not have a price sticker on it, they did not know how much it was to sell for, and with a 40% coupon, I got it for a song.
You guys are a bad influence on me. The subliminal messages you are broadcasting are working! haha Left work last night, hopped in the truck and for some unknown reason proceeded to drive about 30 minutes in the opposite direction from home. Found myself in the Hobby Lobby parking lot. Someone is going to be disappointed, as they had hidden the last '34 Pickup kit on a top shelf behind some other kits. But I found it and have the kit sitting on the credenza in my office here at work so I can take a look at the contents when I eat my lunch later today.
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one out here that can't seem to pass up a '34 Ford pickup kit. I have used that stake bed on a bunch of other trucks, and used the tow crane frame for the hitch on several flatbed trailers, and one scratch built teardrop trailer.
In my neck of the woods, the serious hotroders got all the old coupes, and roadsters, pretty early. So, the next best thing was an open wheeled pickup, with a shortened bed, and the body channeled over the frame. My best buddy in high school had a '32 done that way with continental kit fenders in front, and a '48 Mercury flathead with aluminum heads, and three deuces. I guarantee it could scare the snot out of you real easy, it handled like a grocery car going down an escalator.