Short Track and NASCAR modeling

Other => Community Builds => Topic started by: David Bogard on September 19, 2019, 09:53:29 PM

Title: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: David Bogard on September 19, 2019, 09:53:29 PM
Place your progress photos here.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on September 21, 2019, 01:35:04 AM
First batch of parts out of the chrome stripper...and sanding mold lines off the body panels
( ( build dechrome ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
( ( build seam lines ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 21, 2019, 11:18:47 AM
I'm sticking with David's idea of building like you were a kid again and going about this like I was 10-12 years old.  I have two colors of paint, ONE brush, and this time liquid cement and some super glue.  I do not own a tube of old model glue and wont use it.   My kit choice is the Monogram Black Widow Hot Rod.  The kit only has about 57 parts and lacks a rear suspension and transmission but I think it will look good as a 6 to 8 footer as David calls em.  I did spend a little time trimming some flash and sanding some pieces for a good fit and had some paint on some parts, the engine painted and assembled in a little over an hour.  There are only 8 simple parts to the engine.  I will build this one like the box art----Nostalgia Baby!

Unless something comes up I don't expect, this could be completed this weekend.  If that happens I have another crude little kit I will finish up in the same manner and enjoy being 11 years old again. 

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Olderndirt on September 21, 2019, 11:49:51 AM
Oh boy, does that old black widow kit bring back memories. Since I can't remember ever building an out of the box model, I of course animalized one of these kit back in the day. The parts pack were the new thing in the hobby shops. I got one of them with the bubble top in it, and proceeded to do my impression of an Ed Roth creation, using the old widow as the basis. Thanks for the memories.

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 21, 2019, 11:57:11 AM
( (
  I have some body work to do before I can even think of gluing two pieces of plastic together.  I cut 6 scale inches off of the front fenders and hood and still need to fill in the gas hole ;D on the Left quarter panel, remove the rear window braces and remove the front windshield hold down brackets.
  I am building this in the spirit of the local Modified Street Stock rules 1984ish ... this build explores that Grey area of the rules that existed back then....the body had to be factory sheet metal on factory body mounts BUT it said NOTHING of removing that sheet metal to shorten up the front to reduce front end weight.  The engine and transmission are in the stock location as per the rules ::) even though the engine got pushed back an inch or two....on these Fords as long as the oil filter is ahead of the engine cross member it all looks good.       
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 21, 2019, 05:04:28 PM
While I let some Gloo and a little clear coat dry on the Black Widow kit, I thought I would take a peek at the parts in the Kookie Contender.  I had forgotten how small 1/32 really was until I assembled the three main parts of the engine.  I can act out the part of being a 11 year old kid again but I cant get my hands to be that size, this was made for small hands and fingers!!

Once I get some paint smeared on this assembly time will be about as long as it takes to consume a grease burger, golden fries and molten applesauce pie at your favorite grease palace.  If I am going to participate in this gig for a week, I guess I best dig through the stash and find another kit to start.  I'm enjoying this, it is giving me a chance to build stuff I normally wouldn't touch that has been stacked in my stash for eons.  Glad you came up with this David, I'm happier than a hobo wearing a green tie!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: TarheelRick on September 21, 2019, 05:20:08 PM
Dug into my Hyundai kit this afternoon.  Was amazed at how clean the body was.[/img]]( (http://[img)  This was the only mold line on the whole car.
Decision time:  solid top with molded in sunroof lines[/img]]( (http://[img)
or, clear top with molded in sunroof lines?[/img]]( (http://[img)

I have the glue drying on the front seatbacks, and a couple of pieces in the chrome stripper - don't really like chrome resonators.  Will begin the body polishing tomorrow.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 21, 2019, 06:02:34 PM
Tar, unless you'uns is gonna fancy up that interior like a groom at a $15 dollar wed'in, I would use the solid top.  But heck, this is all for fun and which ever one you pick will be just fine.  Thank goodness you didnt pick a Prius. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 21, 2019, 06:11:57 PM
( (
  Successfully converted a '72 to a '73 and shortened the front clip by 6 scale inches the biggest part of the body work behind me today unless I decide to open the wheel wells up a bit...undecided.....
  Had to re sculpt the hoods raised section contours with Evergreen and some Bondo to match up with the front grill.
  Going to start some actual building now :)     
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 21, 2019, 09:33:00 PM
This little Black Widow is getting down to the last stages.  Since the body is molded in black, I sanded any mold lines and polished the body with a polishing kit, added the decals which laid down super nice and shot a couple coats of TS-13 clear.  I guess I spent maybe two hours prep time, half a day for paint to dry and about 45 minutes in assembly time.  I told you this one was simple!

The decal sheet has nice decals for the dash and a tiny 8 ball decal for the shift knob.  It is hard to see in the photo and I thought my eyes would fall out getting in on.  It is painfully obvious I no longer have 11 year old eyes.  Since these are going together so quickly, I think I will start on the old Monogram Green Hornet Rod when I finish the Kookie Contender.  If a guy is willing to look the other way and not worry about all the fuel lines, plug wires and photo-etch stuff, the Black Widow makes a pretty cool shelf looker.  This brings back so many memories when I was a kid.  I recall one guy in the neighborhood we all considered a model master.  He was the only one we knew that had built Revell's Tweedy Pie kit and FINISHED IT!  When he built and finished the Orange Crate, we all thought he was the true master.  Funny how a 10 year old sees things. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 22, 2019, 01:47:35 PM
.....And now I remembered why I quit building O.O.B and started scratch building....because I had to due to the flaws that needed corrected with various kits to make them fit up right >:(  since I had to do it I might as well go all the way.

  Anyone wanting to build this kit and have it look like what is pictured on the box sans decals and paint will be disappointed.  I fallowed the instructions to a "T" and could not get the body to come down over the tires as pictured on the just aint happening unless I get out the Dremal tool and start cutting down the front and rear fire walls which then would lead to the hood not being able to close all the way since the front engine hoop would all but be over the top of the front fenders.

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  Had I assembled these two pieces according to the instructions , the wheelbase would come up way short.  In their defense, the instructions do say "Check Alignment" ,but later illustrations in the instructions show there being no gap, which would cause the wheelbase to be just under 5mm. too short.

  Since I could not care any less what the underside looks like, I added a 4.86 mm. block between the two pieces which put the wheelbase right on the money.

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  Its kind of hard to see in this picture, but the front wheels/tires are almost too far out board and the rear tires/wheels are definitely too far inboard.  I kind of like the way the front looks, so I'll leave them alone, but I'll have to extend the width of the rear axle to make the rear tires right.  Again, fallowing the instructions to a "T", the inside portion of the rear wheel/tire sits against the outside portion of the leaf spring which is why it just looks wrong from a side view.  I did open up the wheel wells a tiny bit by removing some of the body from the top of the wheel arch which gives it a uniform distance between the tire and wheel well opening.     
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 22, 2019, 02:11:30 PM
I hear ya.  Those kits were kinda cool-----------back in 1971 when thats all we had.  If you can lay your hands on one of the original issue kits, it will build a little better but it is still wrong in so many ways, especially for a 72-74 Torino.  Even worse for a Chevelle.    For what you are using it for serves the purpose just fine but I'm glad you are building it instead of me.  I have bounced a couple off my hobby room wall before. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 22, 2019, 06:37:30 PM
One down, one to go.  I'm calling the Black Widow done but I enjoyed this crude little kit.  If I dont count time spent for paint and some glue joints to dry, I might have spent around 4 hours total fooling with it.  Should any of you guys get a chance to snag one of these, do so.  You will enjoy it and it looks pretty cool.  On to the Kookie Contender.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on September 22, 2019, 09:30:27 PM
Didn't get as much bench time time today as I had hoped.  Got the frame assembled and then mocked up the engine block and body to see how things lined up.  Got the frame and the rear wheels painted tonight.  Mocking up the engine now, need to find a magneto that I have buried in the basement somewhere so I can make sure it clears the valve cover.
( ( frame and body mock up ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
( ( frame and wheels painted ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
( ( frame and wheels painted LF shot ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 22, 2019, 10:17:27 PM
Nice start DMR, I'm gonna watch this cause last time I built that kit was around 1968 and I dont remember much about it other than it was super cool.  I do remember that the decals gave me some grief. 

I got a start on the Kookie Contender but there is not much to show.
All I can say about this one is its cute------and small which makes it tough on an old blind guy with fat stiff fingers.  For any of you guys that give a rip, here is a history of this kit and what it was released as so if you want to find one, just search your favorite price gouging site. 
1964---Kookie Contender and later as the Tuned Tinker.  It was released in the late 60's thru 1975 as the Drag Queen, Lucky Loser, Lucky Bucket, Hot Hermit and White Ice.  It was released in the Jumpin' Jeans series as the Slick Slacks and once in glow in the dark plastic as the Glo Kart.  I would guess Lindberg got their moneys worth on this tooling.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 23, 2019, 08:21:02 PM
Quote from: David Bogard on September 23, 2019, 05:48:49 PM
Hey Lefturns, I am noticing some very enticing builds in the background on some of your Progress Shots......
Yea, I noticed what appears to be a Larry Phillips Corvair .....must of been what he beetled around Springfield in while running errands. :D
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 23, 2019, 08:39:51 PM
Hahaha!  No Brian, that is just a Yenko Stinger Corvair SCCA D/P race car.  I just "Borrowed" one of Larry's old sponsors.  The Yenko cars were blue/white and carried the number 75 so there is really no connection.   And David, I figured the Fonz figure fit the era of the Black Widow so I asked him to pose. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 24, 2019, 12:35:37 AM
A little progress on the Kookie Contender.  My plan was to shoot on some blue like the box art but since this thing is molded in red, I shot it in Tamiya Pure Red.  Let that red plastic bleed through now!  I should have this mess completed tomorrow evening so I need to start thinking about the next kit but I don't have a clue as to what it will be but it will be a bigger scale.  My eyes, fingers and 1/32 scale don't play well together. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 24, 2019, 09:20:56 PM
This was one crude little kit but then again it was made 55 years ago.   Since the interior has no detail other than a shifter and bomber steering wheel, I used the half cockpit cover.  It's cute, thats all I can say about it.  David, you hoped it got built so here you are

Gonna have to put the Fonz back in the box, he is starting to be a problem.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on September 24, 2019, 09:40:34 PM
Hey Leftturns I finally got a chance to check out the finished pics of your Black Widow.  That's a cool looking build!  Nice job getting the first one done :D
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on September 24, 2019, 09:52:21 PM
I got the body panels painted tonight.  Tried a new brand of paint - Mission Models through the airbrush.  I really like it - lays down nice and levels out smooth as it dries. Plan to shoot their semi-gloss clear on the body parts tomorrow night.
( ( body and top painted shot ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
( ( left body painted shot ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on September 24, 2019, 10:41:20 PM
David - Mission Models is a water-based acrylic.  They have their own thinner that activates the paint, and they also make a polyurethane mix additive that is optional.  I used the poly with the white for the body panels.  I think it acts as a leveling agent too.  I'm anxious to see how the semi-gloss clear looks over the paint.  I'll probably test it on a spoon before I hit the body with it.

The interior on your truck looks awesome.  Like the color combo!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 25, 2019, 12:24:36 AM
This is where I plan to go next.  Not sure I can get this one done by the time this gig ends but I'll give it a shot and hope the paint dries soon enough.  The last time I built this kit was sometime in the summer of 67 so maybe this time I can get it to look a little better.   I traded for this kit back in 95 or 96 so its time I built it I reckon. 

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: TarheelRick on September 25, 2019, 07:15:02 AM
Having the usual issues with the Hyundai.  Got a really nice shine with polishing the plastic and Future/Pledge/whatever it is this week.  Attempting to Molotow the chrome trim around the windows and the pen leaked a great big blob down the side of the car.  Interior is pretty much painted, although I have discovered my hands are not as steady as they used to be.  Will try to strip the body today and get another coat of clear on it.  Also discovered a couple more real faint mold lines on the rear corners.  Time is getting tight.  I have two funerals over the next two days, football Friday night, and a Tractor Show on Saturday morning, but I am determined to get this one finished somehow.  BTW, what is the recommended method of stripping Future?
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Dirtman on September 25, 2019, 07:22:07 AM
Quote from: Lefturns75 on September 24, 2019, 09:20:56 PM
This was one crude little kit but then again it was made 55 years ago.   Since the interior has no detail other than a shifter and bomber steering wheel, I used the half cockpit cover.  It's cute, thats all I can say about it.  David, you hoped it got built so here you are

Gonna have to put the Fonz back in the box, he is starting to be a problem.

I'd say the bikini might be more of a problem than Fonz!!!!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 25, 2019, 09:02:01 PM
David I think the woody was shot with Testors Wood for the base and dry-brushed in a combination of Tamiya flat earth and Testors Leather.  I think.  Durn it now you got me wondering, I can't remember for sure but that would be close.  That was one of the older releases from the 60's and the wood parts were molded in an un-convincing tan color so that helps the tone.  The woodgrain engraving was nice. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: bandit2026 on September 26, 2019, 07:13:04 AM
Put some pictures on here but still learning and they ended upon the wrong thread. Been struggling with the fit of that roof, soaking in hot water while taped in place and last night taped it in position then glued it on the inside and put a heavy weight on it overnight. Working on simple mods to the interior and have some detail painting for today.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Marty W on September 26, 2019, 04:04:45 PM
I have started mine. I will get there, I swear! I have been taking a test for a job. I will post pics soon.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 26, 2019, 06:08:21 PM
Well, an hour or so into this build and she's up on wheels!!!  Darned near a miracle for this old fart, lol!!!

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 26, 2019, 07:29:42 PM
Got a little done on the Green Hornet.  I cobbled together the engine which looks nice so I broke down and threw some wires on it.  I thought it needed a little something extra since it is out in full view.  I got the seams sanded on the body and the chassis assembled with some Tamiya white primer and have chosen Bright Green Pearl for the color.  I am starting to worry about this one, not sure I can get this done by the dead line but I'll post what I have.  If I can get the paint to cure up pretty quick I should be ok. 

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 26, 2019, 08:39:47 PM
Body clean up wlell underway...lots of tiny divits to fix for a mild custom to look good!!!  I have not chosen a color yet but probobaly will have it nailed down and painted this weekend...

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 26, 2019, 08:48:38 PM
WOW, y'all's projects are all looking fine!!!  David, your hood is looking real good and the colors are right on for your truck!!!  My only thought on the tailgate would be to put an oversize piece of baremetal over the letters and carefully cut them out and paint the letters and then remove the large piece of baremetal!!! Lot of work...
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 26, 2019, 08:58:19 PM
David I have some Testors airbrush thinner but last time I used that stuff it took a month to dry.  I think I will do what I have done in the past and just thin it with plain old Lacquer thinner.  I have had better luck with that than the stuff made for testors paint.  I would use the Tamiya thinner but I am out. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 26, 2019, 09:03:40 PM
Nope, but I wish I did!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 26, 2019, 09:51:34 PM
Quote from: Lefturns75 on September 26, 2019, 08:58:19 PM
David I have some Testors airbrush thinner but last time I used that stuff it took a month to dry.  I think I will do what I have done in the past and just thin it with plain old Lacquer thinner.  I have had better luck with that than the stuff made for testors paint.  I would use the Tamiya thinner but I am out.

I'm with you on the lacquer thinner!  Of everything I've tried I keep going back to cheap lacquer thinner for Testors enamels.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Marty W on September 27, 2019, 01:58:59 AM
That is some pretty good detail painting!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Marty W on September 27, 2019, 02:02:17 AM
Quote from: David Bogard on September 26, 2019, 04:09:16 PM
Pictures of the test? We could maybe collaborate on the answers with you! HA!! Looking forward to the Beetle!

I would show you pics, but I had to sign a non disclosure agreement. That's OK, though. It's an art test, and not a written one. I don't like written tests much.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Marty W on September 27, 2019, 10:29:53 AM
Thanks, David. I am also working on a short track t shirt design.

I like the diversity of the models in progress. Looking forward to the finished models!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 27, 2019, 07:44:08 PM
I got some color slopped on this thing.  Interesting color bright green pearl, looks more like Jolly Rancher Apple Green.  Now I can finish up the chassis and get this thing on wheels.  I am not familiar with the Testors Colors By Boyd and this jar was more than a few years old so I wasn't sure how it would act with Lacquer thinner.  So far so good.
I shot this with my old badger 200 single action airbrush somewhere between 12 and 15 psi.  My next investment will be one of those gravity feed double action jobs.  I figure that one of those would be a lot easier to clean and this 200 is about 23 years old.  I would like to hear what you guys use and the pros and cons before I pop for one. 

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 27, 2019, 09:50:38 PM
Quote from: Lefturns75 on September 27, 2019, 07:44:08 PM
I shot this with my old badger 200 single action airbrush somewhere between 12 and 15 psi.  My next investment will be one of those gravity feed double action jobs.  I figure that one of those would be a lot easier to clean and this 200 is about 23 years old.  I would like to hear what you guys use and the pros and cons before I pop for one. 
I shoot with a Paasche VL double action w/internal mix and absolutely love it......a gravity feed is nice and I'll probably get one some day just to have some depth on the bench when it comes to painting.
  I have my air brush and compressor dialed in so all that I have to do is attach the bottle with paint and turn the compressor on and shoot.  Clean up is as simple as shooting a full bottle of Xylene thru it..that's all.
  I decant from the rattle can into a bottle with out cutting it with thinner and shoot at 15 p.s.i
  I shot the current C.B.P Torino's body and interior/roll cage with the air brush and will get some progress pics posted this weekend.
  b.t.w I simply love that color of Green
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 28, 2019, 09:44:44 AM
David that is a reflection.  If you look at it close, you will see it is the grill shell and engine which is sitting just below the body.

I have not built that truck kit but might have to pick one up since I have seen yours.  I heard some stories about the hood in the past but you beat that problem!  Nice, clean job on this but all your builds are crisp and clean.  I try but I'll admit, I still build Gloo-Bombs.   I try not to show em very often but they out number my nice ones. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: john2 on September 28, 2019, 12:06:16 PM
David,  I love those trucks, model, or 1:1.  I have built 3, and have another one going for a hauler.

And I had a 1:1 stepside many years ago.

There are quite a few around here at the car shows.

Yours is looking great.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 28, 2019, 05:25:48 PM
The inspiration for my build!!!  My 57 Chevy is going to be painted Evening Orchid Metallic with Model Car World lacquer.
In primer...ready for light sand and paint!!!


Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 28, 2019, 08:00:04 PM
  Making some progress....had to deal with another set back kit related.

( (
  Pretty much uneventful getting the interior and cage put together....cage doesn't exactly fit up to the interior of the roof like I would like it to, but due to the constraints of time, I don't have the option of fitting it up like it should.
  I got a bonus main cage with this kit...the other main cage has the front diagonal bars bent instead of straight like what is makes the cage look like the car has been rolled hard with the front portion of the roof making solid contact with something like the racing surface or wall bending the bars ::). 

( (
  I was trying to stay away front scratch building as much as possible, but this kit dealt another set back.  The bolster for the seat is on the wrong side with the kit provided seat, so if anyone is building a Right hand drive stock car look me up, I have the seat you need.
  Had to find a seat that would fit between the door bars and drive shaft tunnel in my stash...this one fits with scratch build shoulder harnesses and lap belt.

( (
  Took 6 scales inches out of the fenders and hood and added a rear deck spoiler.  Shot decanted Testors Gloss Red thru a Paasche VL air brush.

  Will have the interior completely done this evening (seat,shifter, steering, etc. etc) ....grill screen,bumpers and wheel/tires next
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 28, 2019, 09:02:15 PM
Those old kit chassis are kind of a pain but you did that one up well Vrian.  I messed around with some of those later reissues and I'll tell ya, they were nasty.  Glad to see you beat it instead of it beating you.  Keep it up. 

Got my bomb up on wheels for a quick mock up.  I had some wheels and tires from an original Green Hornet but could only find the rears so I used em.  While trimming some globs of gloo off the wheels I was muttering to myself that I wish the kid that assembled this the first time would have known how to use glue.  It came to me that I was THAT kid 50 some years ago as these are parts from my original.  Nobody to blame but me.  I don't remember this kit being this fiddly to build years ago but I did not have stiff fingers then and my eyesight was 20/20.  I think a bat has better eyesight than I do. 

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 28, 2019, 09:51:12 PM

Brian said
"Took 6 scales inches out of the fenders and hood and added a rear deck spoiler.  Shot decanted Testors Gloss Red thru a Paasche VL air brush."

WOW, look at this bad boy!!!  Looking very sweet Brian!!!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 29, 2019, 12:26:29 AM
Thank you David, Lefty and Greg...... all that is left is decals and throwing together an engine and tranny.  With what I was able to do today , I feel that I am right where I need to be time wise as far as being done by next Sat.

  ( (       

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  The interior is done.  Its kind of hard to see since its Black on Black but I positioned the shoulder harnesses and lap belt as if they where thrown off and landed where they may.  Again, I had to modify the kit offerings, this time it was the just doesn't fit like it shows in the instructions, so I cut some off of each side and slid it between the diagonal bars on the cage.

( (
  Got it up on all 4 corners.  Resin cast front bumper that was part of the '74 - '76 grill that I used for this build.  Removed the filler behind the bumper and mounted it flush with the grill to move weight back.

  ( (
  Used the kit supplied wheels and tires...the tire width was the same as what the Modified Street Stocks where running back in the day ( mid 80's ) 8" scale inches tread width.
( (
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 29, 2019, 12:45:48 AM
Quote from: Greg Birky on September 28, 2019, 09:51:12 PM

Brian said
"Took 6 scales inches out of the fenders and hood and added a rear deck spoiler.  Shot decanted Testors Gloss Red thru a Paasche VL air brush."

WOW, look at this bad boy!!!  Looking very sweet Brian!!!
One of your brother Toms builds served as an inspiration to "shorten it up"
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 29, 2019, 12:21:45 PM
WooHoo!!!  She's got color!!! 
( ( (
I was reminded just how much I hate scribing shallow panel lines🤬!!!  As thin as this paint goes on I could have not messed with them...🤔
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 29, 2019, 02:46:56 PM
Thanks, David!!!  Still needs a clear coat and I've cleaned up the bumpers, painted them with Alclad's gloss black and they're in the dehydrator right now and will get Molotow chrome sprayed on them!  I know this is a quick build but some things look bad if they're not fixed.  I'm loving your truck and the tailgate looks great!!!  Bye the way guys, I'm not going to comment on each post but everyone's builds are looking fantastic!!!  It's great to be in such great company as all you fantastic model builders!!!🤗🏁🏁🏁
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: bandit2026 on September 29, 2019, 07:12:26 PM
Hate to have to say this but looks like I wont make it by the end as I've been called out of town and away from the work bench. Got the chassis done, motor done and one color on the body.             I will finish it! Thanks for letting me in the game.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 29, 2019, 09:14:29 PM
Sorry to hear that news, Bandit!!!  I hope its not bad news...i look forward to seeing your finished model when your're able!!!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 29, 2019, 09:25:16 PM
Sorry, no photos tonight but the chrome parts are all corrected and "rechromed" with Molotow Chrome and the interior parts are all painted and drying.  The body is cleared and in the dehydrator.  Tomorrow the interior gets detailed  and possibly some assembly can happen!!!  This 57 snapper is coming along and looking better than I expected and the best part is that it is so much fun!!!  May have to try building some snap kit stock cars.....
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on September 29, 2019, 10:00:40 PM
Got all the parts painted over the weekend.  I realized late last night that I've painted everything on this model with acrylic paint through my airbrush - no rattle cans and nothing brush painted.  Starting to detail a lot of parts, hit the rear wheels with a silver Sharpie and need to dull coat some parts.  Started assembling the Hemi tonight.
( ( left side view ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
( ( right side view ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
( ( rear wheels ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 29, 2019, 11:52:59 PM
I may have taken a bigger bite than I can chew but while some paint and glue was drying on the Green Hornet I got to fooling with the old AMT 25T.  Since the Hornet will be the only T-Bucket I have built, I started on this one.  I am no fan of Testors Custom Lacquer System but I had a rattle can that has to be 10 years old of Plum Crazy.  I shot the chassis and body and the stuff was dry in about 20 minutes but flat, no gloss.  I gave the parts a couple shots of TS-13 clear, the white is Krylon flat white.  This evening I was able to handle the parts and hammered out the chassis.  With a little luck and I don't break something I MIGHT get this gloo-bomb finished too.  Not sure how this kit will look, last time I built one was in the 60's.  It looks a little crude to me now but as a kid I thought it was pretty cool. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 30, 2019, 01:37:53 AM
I read a little about the 1:1 car, the Geraghty & Crawford Grasshopper, which the Green Hornet was sorta modeled after.  The 1:1 was  a handful and suffered traction problems due to the solid mounted rear end and tires of the day (1959).  I think it would want to go any direction but straight and I always thought it looked like a death trap.  I might move it around or motivate it in a parking lot but no way would I stomp the loud pedal and hold it.  I would think that big Olds would flex those frame rails like a rubber band. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Michael F on September 30, 2019, 01:22:26 PM
I ordered the Tiny Lund Mercury Cyclone at Mike´s speed shop and told them, it has to be finished next Sunday.
The guys told me "no problem". I was doubtful abot that answer. But look, i came by their shop sunday afternoon and the gate was open, so i took some sercret pics thru the windows.
They got the chassis done. These guys are really fast !!



And today this: they fabricated the body and even painted it !!




And a quick view thru the rooflight:


On my way out of the area, a UPS driver was carrying a bundle from a decalprinter into the shop.
Hurrah !! If possible and the gate is open again, i´ll take some more shots of the wip tomorrow.

Hmm, i´m wondering where the tools are they working with, oh well ... ??? ???

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 30, 2019, 02:08:32 PM
That is some pretty good looking paint there Michael!  What did you use?    I'm gonna watch this since I have a couple of these kits I want to get to.  Did you do the body modification on the front to get the nose to curve down? 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on September 30, 2019, 02:40:49 PM
What David said!!!  The pit crew must be lightning fast as well!!!  Looks awesome!!!  I just got my 57 Chevy body polished and ready for chrome!  Update pictures later!

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Michael F on September 30, 2019, 04:17:25 PM
I used Tamiya French Blue over Tamiya white primer spraycans.

Once i tried to bend the front of a Polar Lights Talladega, it was very tricky, i did it with boiling water method.
Dipped it into the hot water and waited till it was soft enough to move the nose down.
But suddenly, it was to soft, i barely could hold it in right shape. Thankfully i had the hood on hand to allign the bodyfront.
The result is not bad at all, but i´ll never try to do this.



From my point of view, the bigger problem of the wrong bodyshape is not the curve of the nose, but it is the wide wheelopening of the frontfender.
I used a trick to line this issue, i turn the frontwheels a little bit like i did on this Leeroy Yarbrough Mercury
and hope nobody will realize my fake ;D ;D


-David: sure there is a number, and very easy to keep in mind: 555 555 ;) ;)

-Greg: Thank you, i like your Chevy !!

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on September 30, 2019, 05:28:29 PM
I have one more method for the Torino nose.  This is not my solution, I read it when the kit hit the shelves and I do not remember where or who did the original post.  I never did build the kit but I did do the mod.  I cut through the inner sheet metal in the hood area where it is marked in black.  With a small effort and very little heat I got it nose down.  The black area on the wheel well is where I will have to reshape the opening.  I guess there are a dozen ways builders do this so use what is most effective for you. 

David has the right idea, they should be molded right in the first place. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on September 30, 2019, 09:05:15 PM
    Almost least I got a trackside/curbside build going on.....should be able to slap together the kit supplied big block by Saturday...hopefully.

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  I literally finished the decals moments before this picture was taken...there still some water that needs mopped up.....I am starting to not like decal applying  ...perhaps I'm not patient enough and get in a rush...who knows :-\   
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on September 30, 2019, 11:48:11 PM
Lots of fitment issues getting the drive train aligned and keeping the chassis square.  Think I finally got it where it needs to be.
( ( frame and drivetrain ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
( ( frame ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on October 01, 2019, 10:18:36 AM
Dirt, your FE is looking nice.  Sorta makes me want to dig mine out and give it a go but I'll hold off on that, I've taken on enough right now. 

Here are a couple shots of the Hornet and roadster to this point.  I am going to work on finishing these up so I figure the next photos will be in the finished thread.  This has been fun and refreshing just to build out of the box and not worry about all that extra detail.  Some of you other guys that passed on this missed some fun.  It don't matter if it is a great build or a gloo-bomb, it's about having fun and enjoying what we like to do, no pressure, its not a contest.  It has been fun to be a kid again. 

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on October 01, 2019, 12:11:53 PM
Lefturns - I keep coming back to look at your Green Hornet build and have to say that I'm really digging it!!  Are the tires on your build the ones that come in the kit?

David - Have to agree with your thoughts on doing a little bit here and there.  I have enjoyed popping down to the basement to knock one or two items off the to-do list on this build when I can, verses trying to find a big block of time to finish an entire subassembly etc.  SO glad that I joined this build challenge and I'm surely having fun doing it!!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on October 01, 2019, 01:11:22 PM
Dirt, those are the plastic two piece tires that come in the re-issue kit.  I thought I had the original rubber tires but could only find three so I used the kit items.  The Firestone is a decal from Indycals I had extra so I used them.  I thought they fit that type of tire from the era.  This pair is interesting as both kits hit the market about the same time.  It shows the different approach AMT and Monogram had in kit development in the very early days.  I have seen photos from back in the day of the car Monogram used to pattern the Hornet from but I would love to see the car AMT used for their T.  They both have inaccurate things about them but they do make good looking built subjects. 

I agree with you, I have enjoyed this Oktoberfest gig and hope we can do more things like this.  Maybe, just maybe it might spark enough interest in the other members to take something out of the box and build it.  This IS a model forum and we ARE modelers and we have 164 or so members.  Sometimes I wonder what the other 150 are doing? 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Marty W on October 02, 2019, 04:46:28 PM
Here is a photo of the Bug progress, just to show that I am actually building something. Got the body modified for off road, and painted. The engine is getting there, but it is the typical Revell fiddley parts.

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on October 02, 2019, 08:36:48 PM
Putting the finishing touches on the Green Hornet and the Roadster.  When these guys are done, I will get some nice finished shots and post the builds up on the finished build thread.  I have another build started but I think I will take some time with this one so I guess these two are the final builds for this group build.  Hope we can all do something like this again soon, this has been a lot of fun. 

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Michael F on October 03, 2019, 01:15:37 PM
To David and Lefturns:

I really appreciate your ideas on bringing the Mercury nose into the right shape. I think a combination of your two ways will fix it.
I have two more Mercurys in my stash and i´ll try it on the next one, thanx a lot !!
The knowledge of you guys is priceless!

Hey Lefturns, your shop is a dream. The models as well !

The guys at Mike´s speedshop did some progress on the Merc.
Body decaled and wheels balanced:

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on October 03, 2019, 02:56:49 PM
Michael, those guys at Mike's Speed Shop are a well disciplined bunch, they keep the shop neat and clean.  I can't get the guys here in Podunkville to even sweep the floor.  I sure hope some of the other guys can get their stuff out of the box before this gig ends.  I'm ready to start another group build of some kind, you game?
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Marty W on October 03, 2019, 06:41:49 PM
I am chugging along with the Bug. I thought it would be a simple, straightforward build, but I am having several fit issues. Old Revell kits are sometimes like that. And lots of trimming of funky parts. And....I am painting the house and garage, and juggling other tasks at the same time. I might not have it completely finished by Sunday, but I am not giving up! I will finish it!!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on October 03, 2019, 09:27:13 PM
Looks like we're gonna make it in good shape!!!  Only a couple of minor details and this car is finished!

[size=78%]( ([/size]

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: RandB11 on October 03, 2019, 09:37:36 PM
That 57 is gorgeous!!!  8)
Rick :)
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on October 03, 2019, 09:40:41 PM
Thanks Rick!  Should be finished tomorrow! 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on October 03, 2019, 10:50:30 PM
  Got the big block shoe horned in....
( (

  Art imitates life...the ill fitting kit headers put up a fight....pulled the engine back out and repositioned the front half of the right side header...fits better....not perfect,just better.
  The kit engine is rather unique....the block most closely resembles a Ford big block (429-460) but the kit has both the 351 Cleveland high port heads and valve covers and big block heads and valve covers..... I went with the big block heads,  duh ::) and valve covers.  I ditched the box looking intake manifold and went with a resin cast stock big block intake since the rules back then stipulated cast iron intakes.  Also ditched the cowl induction air cleaner and dug something out of the spare parts box.  Removed the alternator and bracket and added a belt section to the pulleys.  Scratch built two oil breathers for the Left side valve cover.
  All I have left is installing the radiator and hoses and the fan shroud and this build will be DONE.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on October 04, 2019, 12:43:18 AM
Think that one would be a little front heavy?  Hehe!  I take my hat off to you for getting that Hound of a kit together.  I would have had it back in the box after the first 20 minutes.  You not only built it, you did some extra body work to boot so a thumbs up for you.  Thanks for jumping in and building with us.  We will have to do some sort of gig like this again. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on October 04, 2019, 10:08:11 AM
Wow, Brian, you're a true builder and your be there done that skills really have shown on this build!!!  You're a real Weekend Warrior for sure!!!  Glad to be in the company of all you guys!!!  We would make a heck of a team if we could all get together and build a real race car, Michael included, wouldn't we!!!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Brian Conn on October 04, 2019, 10:46:48 PM
  Thanks for the comments...much appreciated! :)
Quote from: Lefturns75 on October 04, 2019, 12:43:18 AM
Think that one would be a little front heavy?  Hehe!  ......

  Ya think?  I had the opportunity to pay homage to the last handful of big blocks that where still around here locally in 1984 with this build.  There where a couple of big block Chevelles, and a big block '69 Charger still bangin' the mid 80's, rules pretty much had killed off the last of the dinosaurs ....either thru 8 1/2 pounds per cubic inch or smaller carbs.

Quote from: Lefturns75 on October 04, 2019, 12:43:18 AMWe will have to do some sort of gig like this again.
I'd like to see another Octoberfest next year....In keeping with the German influence, I'd like to build something Ford style.  I have the Tamiya Ford Sierra XR-4i that I'd like to make into the short lived Mercury Merkur XR4Ti that was built at Fords Cologne Body & Assembly and sold here in the states from 1985 - 1989

Quote from: Greg Birky on October 04, 2019, 10:08:11 AM
Wow, Brian, you’re a true builder and your be there done that skills really have shown on this build!!!  You’re a real Weekend Warrior for sure!!!  Glad to be in the company of all you guys!!!  We would make a heck of a team if we could all get together and build a real race car, Michael included, wouldn’t we!!!

  Thank you for your kind comments....
  The building talent here is some of the best around....I don't think you will find any thing like this on social media, to make it seamlessly work like it does with in this forum would be virtually impossible any where else.
  The team concept producing a 1:1 scale stock car would certainly be a force to be reckoned with at any would not be a stretch to parlay what we have already done and will continue to do and improve upon into a real deal stock car....I think the only questions would be who would drive the thing??!!?? ???   

Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Tom Birky on October 05, 2019, 12:02:37 PM
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Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on October 05, 2019, 02:46:36 PM
David, Tom and the rest of y'all that need a little push, GITR DUN!!!  i know you guys can do it!!!  Everyone has awesome looking projects !!!  Just to tease ya, my 57 Chevy is finished!!!  See pictures in the finished thread.
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: dirtmodwrench on October 05, 2019, 09:44:20 PM
I have been dealing with one "twisted sister" today.  Trying to get this AA fueler done and it has been fighting me all the way.  I mocked up the front end last night and thought everything seemed to be in good shape.  Guess I was wrong, big time!! As I locked the body on and started gluing parts on to do the final assembly, everything is twisted and way off.  I guess if I was doing a dio and wanted the car to look like it was launching hard off the line this current look would fit the bill :o  Every time I make a tweak, something else goes wonky and tweaks the frame in a different place (or breaks the glue bond I've already applied).  I'm about ready to launch this thing on a 4 second run into the wall in my basement >:(  Think I'll grab my wife's hairdryer and see if I can apply heat to concentrated areas and coerce the frame and/or front axle to relax and have all 4 wheels on the ground.  I'm wide open to suggestions or other ideas.
( ( assembly - twisted frame ( by Mark Shea (, on Flickr
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Lefturns75 on October 05, 2019, 10:07:08 PM
Ouch!  Nothing worse than something like that slapping you in the face right at the end.  Is the chassis twisted or the lower body?   Ya know, since its a closed body digger, I say do what ya gotta do to get it level and cover it up with the panels.  Nobody is gonna see in there anyway. 
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: RandB11 on October 06, 2019, 09:27:26 AM
I am.working.on it..Having internet connection problems.

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Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: RandB11 on October 06, 2019, 09:42:40 AM
Sorry to interrupt the discussion on the dragster , just trying to post something while the internet is working..
Turning out about the size of a Camaro..   
Rick :)
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Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on October 06, 2019, 08:03:13 PM
That's a pretty cool car 🚗 you've got going, Rick!!!  Can't wait to see more!!!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: RandB11 on October 06, 2019, 10:15:51 PM
Thanks David, I have had a fit with internet connection today! I don't know what the problem is.  Well I I did get up on wheels.
Rick :)
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Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: sentsat71 on October 07, 2019, 08:20:16 AM
WIP on my simple little build....
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Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Marty W on October 09, 2019, 02:48:25 AM
Here is more progress on the Bug. It still needs a few details, like exhaust, nerf bars, body hardware, etc.
I hope to finish by the end of the week.


Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: Greg Birky on October 09, 2019, 07:41:40 PM
Very cool bug!!!
Title: Re: OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos
Post by: sentsat71 on October 10, 2019, 06:52:44 AM
COOL lookin' bug!