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OctoberFest 2019 Build Progress Photos

Started by David Bogard, September 19, 2019, 09:53:29 PM

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David Bogard

I appreciate people that actually build and post models.


First batch of parts out of the chrome stripper...and sanding mold lines off the body panels
Ramchargers build dechrome by Mark Shea, on Flickr
Ramchargers build seam lines by Mark Shea, on Flickr


I'm sticking with David's idea of building like you were a kid again and going about this like I was 10-12 years old.  I have two colors of paint, ONE brush, and this time liquid cement and some super glue.  I do not own a tube of old model glue and wont use it.   My kit choice is the Monogram Black Widow Hot Rod.  The kit only has about 57 parts and lacks a rear suspension and transmission but I think it will look good as a 6 to 8 footer as David calls em.  I did spend a little time trimming some flash and sanding some pieces for a good fit and had some paint on some parts, the engine painted and assembled in a little over an hour.  There are only 8 simple parts to the engine.  I will build this one like the box art----Nostalgia Baby!

Unless something comes up I don't expect, this could be completed this weekend.  If that happens I have another crude little kit I will finish up in the same manner and enjoy being 11 years old again. 


Oh boy, does that old black widow kit bring back memories. Since I can't remember ever building an out of the box model, I of course animalized one of these kit back in the day. The parts pack were the new thing in the hobby shops. I got one of them with the bubble top in it, and proceeded to do my impression of an Ed Roth creation, using the old widow as the basis. Thanks for the memories.


Brian Conn

  I have some body work to do before I can even think of gluing two pieces of plastic together.  I cut 6 scale inches off of the front fenders and hood and still need to fill in the gas hole ;D on the Left quarter panel, remove the rear window braces and remove the front windshield hold down brackets.
  I am building this in the spirit of the local Modified Street Stock rules 1984ish ... this build explores that Grey area of the rules that existed back then....the body had to be factory sheet metal on factory body mounts BUT it said NOTHING of removing that sheet metal to shorten up the front to reduce front end weight.  The engine and transmission are in the stock location as per the rules ::) even though the engine got pushed back an inch or two....on these Fords as long as the oil filter is ahead of the engine cross member it all looks good.       
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


While I let some Gloo and a little clear coat dry on the Black Widow kit, I thought I would take a peek at the parts in the Kookie Contender.  I had forgotten how small 1/32 really was until I assembled the three main parts of the engine.  I can act out the part of being a 11 year old kid again but I cant get my hands to be that size, this was made for small hands and fingers!!

Once I get some paint smeared on this assembly time will be about as long as it takes to consume a grease burger, golden fries and molten applesauce pie at your favorite grease palace.  If I am going to participate in this gig for a week, I guess I best dig through the stash and find another kit to start.  I'm enjoying this, it is giving me a chance to build stuff I normally wouldn't touch that has been stacked in my stash for eons.  Glad you came up with this David, I'm happier than a hobo wearing a green tie!


Dug into my Hyundai kit this afternoon.  Was amazed at how clean the body was.[/img]]  This was the only mold line on the whole car.
Decision time:  solid top with molded in sunroof lines[/img]]
or, clear top with molded in sunroof lines?[/img]]

I have the glue drying on the front seatbacks, and a couple of pieces in the chrome stripper - don't really like chrome resonators.  Will begin the body polishing tomorrow.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.


Tar, unless you'uns is gonna fancy up that interior like a groom at a $15 dollar wed'in, I would use the solid top.  But heck, this is all for fun and which ever one you pick will be just fine.  Thank goodness you didnt pick a Prius. 

Brian Conn

  Successfully converted a '72 to a '73 and shortened the front clip by 6 scale inches the biggest part of the body work behind me today unless I decide to open the wheel wells up a bit...undecided.....
  Had to re sculpt the hoods raised section contours with Evergreen and some Bondo to match up with the front grill.
  Going to start some actual building now :)     
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


This little Black Widow is getting down to the last stages.  Since the body is molded in black, I sanded any mold lines and polished the body with a polishing kit, added the decals which laid down super nice and shot a couple coats of TS-13 clear.  I guess I spent maybe two hours prep time, half a day for paint to dry and about 45 minutes in assembly time.  I told you this one was simple!

The decal sheet has nice decals for the dash and a tiny 8 ball decal for the shift knob.  It is hard to see in the photo and I thought my eyes would fall out getting in on.  It is painfully obvious I no longer have 11 year old eyes.  Since these are going together so quickly, I think I will start on the old Monogram Green Hornet Rod when I finish the Kookie Contender.  If a guy is willing to look the other way and not worry about all the fuel lines, plug wires and photo-etch stuff, the Black Widow makes a pretty cool shelf looker.  This brings back so many memories when I was a kid.  I recall one guy in the neighborhood we all considered a model master.  He was the only one we knew that had built Revell's Tweedy Pie kit and FINISHED IT!  When he built and finished the Orange Crate, we all thought he was the true master.  Funny how a 10 year old sees things. 

Brian Conn

.....And now I remembered why I quit building O.O.B and started scratch building....because I had to due to the flaws that needed corrected with various kits to make them fit up right >:(  since I had to do it I might as well go all the way.

  Anyone wanting to build this kit and have it look like what is pictured on the box sans decals and paint will be disappointed.  I fallowed the instructions to a "T" and could not get the body to come down over the tires as pictured on the just aint happening unless I get out the Dremal tool and start cutting down the front and rear fire walls which then would lead to the hood not being able to close all the way since the front engine hoop would all but be over the top of the front fenders.

  Had I assembled these two pieces according to the instructions , the wheelbase would come up way short.  In their defense, the instructions do say "Check Alignment" ,but later illustrations in the instructions show there being no gap, which would cause the wheelbase to be just under 5mm. too short.

  Since I could not care any less what the underside looks like, I added a 4.86 mm. block between the two pieces which put the wheelbase right on the money.

  Its kind of hard to see in this picture, but the front wheels/tires are almost too far out board and the rear tires/wheels are definitely too far inboard.  I kind of like the way the front looks, so I'll leave them alone, but I'll have to extend the width of the rear axle to make the rear tires right.  Again, fallowing the instructions to a "T", the inside portion of the rear wheel/tire sits against the outside portion of the leaf spring which is why it just looks wrong from a side view.  I did open up the wheel wells a tiny bit by removing some of the body from the top of the wheel arch which gives it a uniform distance between the tire and wheel well opening.     
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


I hear ya.  Those kits were kinda cool-----------back in 1971 when thats all we had.  If you can lay your hands on one of the original issue kits, it will build a little better but it is still wrong in so many ways, especially for a 72-74 Torino.  Even worse for a Chevelle.    For what you are using it for serves the purpose just fine but I'm glad you are building it instead of me.  I have bounced a couple off my hobby room wall before. 


One down, one to go.  I'm calling the Black Widow done but I enjoyed this crude little kit.  If I dont count time spent for paint and some glue joints to dry, I might have spent around 4 hours total fooling with it.  Should any of you guys get a chance to snag one of these, do so.  You will enjoy it and it looks pretty cool.  On to the Kookie Contender.


Didn't get as much bench time time today as I had hoped.  Got the frame assembled and then mocked up the engine block and body to see how things lined up.  Got the frame and the rear wheels painted tonight.  Mocking up the engine now, need to find a magneto that I have buried in the basement somewhere so I can make sure it clears the valve cover.
Ramchargers frame and body mock up by Mark Shea, on Flickr
Ramchargers frame and wheels painted by Mark Shea, on Flickr
Ramchargers frame and wheels painted LF shot by Mark Shea, on Flickr


Nice start DMR, I'm gonna watch this cause last time I built that kit was around 1968 and I dont remember much about it other than it was super cool.  I do remember that the decals gave me some grief. 

I got a start on the Kookie Contender but there is not much to show.

All I can say about this one is its cute------and small which makes it tough on an old blind guy with fat stiff fingers.  For any of you guys that give a rip, here is a history of this kit and what it was released as so if you want to find one, just search your favorite price gouging site. 
1964---Kookie Contender and later as the Tuned Tinker.  It was released in the late 60's thru 1975 as the Drag Queen, Lucky Loser, Lucky Bucket, Hot Hermit and White Ice.  It was released in the Jumpin' Jeans series as the Slick Slacks and once in glow in the dark plastic as the Glo Kart.  I would guess Lindberg got their moneys worth on this tooling.