some racing humor

Started by 18degrees, January 12, 2025, 02:46:35 PM

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well, given the wildfires out west and the snow in the midwest and further east, and politics, blah blah blah, i thought i would share some racing related humor on here to try and lighten things in our lives.

every year in January there is a dirt track in Vado, NM that hosts a weeks worth of racing, pays well and draws a healthy field of cars.  typically dominated by Bobby Pierce.  they got some uncharacteristic snow one race night...

not sure why you would unload with it actively snowing... "well, Austin... let's go ahead an unload just in case they can get the track worked in later..."

and here is the cancellation announcement.  wish they coulda worked in a few more sponsors.. ;D

and does anyone remember the John Boy and Billy Big Show on the radio?  not sure if they are still around, but they were pretty funny back in the day.  they were huge NASCAR fans and had a character on their show named Marvin Webster... well, just click the link below and listen to his perspective.

stay positive and have a laugh

