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My current build. Not Nascar but very close

Started by MarkJ, June 11, 2024, 07:37:45 AM

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Mark, this build is taking a life of its own. You are doing some masterful work.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.


Thank you, Rick. I am glad it is finally coming together. Just hope I can figure out how to use acrylic latex paint in an airbrush. It's all a matter of getting the paint thinned down enough to flow but not flow too much. I guess it will be trial an error on an old spare body.


All I lack in finishing the chassis is installing the tire/wheel assembly's and the windshield supports and a general touchup of the whole chassis. Then I can finally paint the body, install the glass and decals and I will be finished with this build after a year and a half of trying.


I'm looking forward to seeing the completed race car!
"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653


Thanks, Steve. You and me both my friend. It's been a long time coming but it's supposed to warm up and stop raining next week, so I should be able to get the body painted. I bought a gram scale to measure the paint to get just the right 50/50 mix of paint and thinner in the airbrush cup.


Got the tires on, just a little touch up work and the chassis will be done. Then on to the body for paint, install glass, decals and future.

Rattlecan Dan


Quote from: Rattlecan Dan on February 22, 2025, 10:01:41 AMMan, you've come far, looks very nice.

Thanks, Donato. I've been having a hard time keeping the left front tire on the chassis. I finally decided to epoxy it on. I'm almost afraid to see if it finally worked and its nice and tight. Looks like good weather this week so I'm hoping to paint the body and get this thing wrapped up.


The chassis is finally done except for painting the lower radiator hose. I did not realize I had missed it till I took these latest pictures. I will put it in its display box till I get the body completely finished to keep the dust off of it.


Mark, The IROC Camaro is really looking great! I paid special attention to some of the parts that you made yourself, carburetor, quick change, headers and the overflow tank to name a few. It's just amazing to me, the detail, heck they look like kit parts in the photos. Job well done!
"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653


Thank you. Steve. I really appreciate the kind words. The chassis is officially done. Time to get on that body and try to paint it right this time. Thanks again.

Rattlecan Dan

Be careful now, after all that hard work. Be careful! Lol. I know it's going to be great!


Excellent work Mark! I am really looking forward to seeing it finished up. You have some really good scratch building skills.


Thanks Donato and Scott for stopping by and commenting on the build. Gives me incentive to continue on. Just hoping I can get a day with less humidity. the wind has to come out of the north to get that, but it doesn't last long around here in southeast Texas. Sometimes the humidity is right, but the temperature is too low and its very windy which can cause trash to get in the paint when painting outside or a tiny bug landing in the wet paint. Luckily this Vallejo paint dries pretty fast.


Got all my stuff ready and painted the model yesterday. I found that the Vallejo airbrush thinner was too strong and made the paint run when applied to the model. I had to mix up a new batch of paint with the gram scale like I did the first batch. Luckily the gram scale makes mixing the paint quick and easy. the only problem with the gram scale is you have to calibrate it first and you need something that weighs 500 grams to calibrate it. They don't tell you what that is in the instructions, but it turns out a 16.9-ounce bottled water is 500 grams and i have plenty of those to use. I used vallejo medium thinner on the second batch of paint and it worked great without running or any other problems. To make the right amount of paint for the gravity cup you need to make 6 grams of mixed paint. since the cup weighs 2 grams I had to make 8 grams which fit perfectly in the gravity cup. the neo air compressor is a neat little compressor and the neo for Iwata air brush works perfectly and not hard to clean at all with 91 % alchohol so I can clean it in the house where I build the models. that's all you need to clean acrylic latex paint if used in your airbrush.