Doctor's visit

Started by Charlie.D, October 25, 2018, 05:40:27 PM

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It was not good at all. He did x rays of the shoulder and he DIDN'T like the looks of it at all. Possibilities of another MIR of the shoulder and the dirty word of surgery.
Charlie Daniel

Tom Birky

If it weren't for bad luck you'd have no luck at all. Keep the faith Charlie...everyone's pulling for u.



 :)  Hang on, Charlie.  We are still going to meet at Grenada one day for lunch.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


Thanks Tom Birky and John 2
Charlie Daniel


Hang in there Charlie.....

Hope the MRI turns out better than  the X-ray did.....
Ed K.


Hang on man! It could be worse.



Thanks Dirt man and Sentsat 71
Charlie Daniel

Brian Conn

....Another way to look at it is that with surgery, there is a very good chance that you could regain full use of that shoulder/arm and the pain and suffering would be something of the past and the sooner that you can get back to being your old self again, doing the things that you enjoy......
     Hang in there, you will be fine.............
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


Charlie Daniel