Hurricane Michael

Started by Brian Conn, October 10, 2018, 06:08:04 PM

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Brian Conn

   I'm not sure if there is any of the membership in the path or projected path of Michael....I've already heard of it being compared to Hurricane Camille in 1969....whether its media hype or actual truth we'll find out soon enough I suppose.  My Hurricane experience is limited only to Hurricane Hugo when I was stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Va.  We where as close as you could be with out sustaining any major damage.
  If this Hurricane has had an impact or quite possibly will have an impact on you in any way, just remember that you will be in our thoughts and prayers and we will wait to hear from you once things have settled down.     
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


 :)  It looks pretty bad.  Agree with Brian.  And yes, it has been compared to Camille in '69.  We are 165 miles inland, and we had no power for 4 days, and no gasoline for 8  days.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


Here in Central West Coast Florida, we got a lot of high winds and rain. Coast line had evacuations because of surge and high tides. I'm far enough in and not in a flood zone so all is well here. Have a step-daughter near Tallahassee but I guess she had some tree limb damage to her house and a work van. Of course no power. Don't know how long that will last....thanks for thinking of us...



Has there been any mention of Hurricame Ivan back in 2004? IRRC that was quite a strong hurricane as well. Was living in Orlando at the time, and got hit by 3 hurricanes the year, the first one (Charley?) nailed Orlando off the gulf coast as it turned inland sooner that predicted. Lived on the east side or Orlando and we were without power from Fri night to Sun afternoon. The other two came in off the Atlantic, a bit south of Orlando, but still had to "ride them out). did not lose power from those two....

The following July (2005) we headed for Albuquerque, in part because of those storms, but more importantly because she needed to be close to her mom, aunt, and grandmother.....The company she worked for in Orlando had an opening in the Albuquerque office. and since they paid for the move, that was the clincher......
Ed K.