Who thinks they have to much stuff

Started by steven, February 29, 2020, 11:08:51 AM

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Was going thru some stuff looking for a kit for someone and realized I might have to much stuff. I bring a couple boxes of parts every month to my model meeting and let guys take home to go thru if they need anything. They all say where did I get it all and just acquired thru the years.  Down to 400-450 kits, resins, projects, and others. But still have plenty of parts kits, tires, etc., and this spring will get in gear and finish my dioramas seeing I have enough for about 5. So was just wondering am I the only one who has this illness. Think I need plastic anonymous.
If you bought it a trucker hauled it.

I mind is a terrible thing to waste....has anybody seen mine??????


No Steven you are not the only one, my name is Ricky and I am a Plasticoholic.  Although I have really made an effort to not buy any more, I still go to Hobby Lobby and peruse the aisle looking for something I just really need.  I have over 250 kits, with 90% still sealed or sealed inside.  I thought when we got into our house and I am retired I could spend time in the basement working on models.  Two things, actually probably three, keep that from happening 1. honeydo list, 2. it is cold in that basement and difficult to heat my work area, 3. just don't have the drive to build right now.  But I do have several in different levels of build and will hopefully figure out some way to stay warm down there.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.


No Steven.  You are not the only one.

I have only 15 kits and projects, and that is too many.  I have one coming, and two others I want.

I have probably built 400 in my lifetime.  I doubt I will get all these done, and there is always another bus coming along.  I  am 80 now and I cannot get as much of anything done as I used to.

Go figure. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4

Marty W

Oh, I have too much stuff. And not just model kits, but I have been getting rid of stuff, too.


I know I do, and it ain't all model cars....have a lot of diecast stuff as well, and not just race cars. Thankfully most of the diecast is around the 1/64th scale size. Have a lot of magazine type books and leaflets for my plastic canvas hobby...won't talk about all the yarn that I have that is associated with that hobby, not to menition how much I tossed before moving back to Iowa from NM.
Ed K.


I know what you are saying gents, I too have way more than I could ever possibly build (even in a lifetime). but I keep on trying to get something built and at a minimum the theme build for our club once a month.  At my last count I have 500 to 600 kits of all types but mainly modifieds and street rods and I have a whole slew of resin to build.  One would think that being fully retired I would have all the time in the world for the hobby but that is not the case as I have a sick wife taking up a lot of time  and I have explained what she (we) are going through.  Over the years I have sold out 2 collections and at some point I need to start thinning out the herd I currently have.  I don't feel so bad about the amount of kits I have though as one of my fellow club members has over 5000!!  This hobby of ours certainly is an addiction.  Well anyway, happy building fellas.

Fordguy01 aka Al     


I have plenty of kits and plenty of extra parts but I don't think I have too much. Especially when I'm looking for something in particular or certain types of decals for a project and can't find what I want.


I've models in three different closets plus other places in the house. I'm on disability now because of this stupid shoulder. I'm always buying more models. But I enjoy building them.
Charlie Daniel


David I will post some photos as soon as I can. And Steven, no I am not from Il, I am from Eastern Nebraska a small town called Plattsmouth about a mile and a half from the river that flooded last year and about 13 miles south of Omaha.  I am a long time member of NAIM (Nebraska Autos In Miniature). I helped start the club in 1991 when I retired from the Air Force.  Our club has anywhere from 12 to 18 members depending on who shows up on meeting days.



Thank you David for the comment.  A little more history of my club involvement while I was stationed at Fort Meade Maryland I was a member of MAMA's boys (Maryland Automotive Modelers Society) that was a large club and again depending on the day I would see as many as 40 - 50 members in attendance but no matter what club(s) I attend I always enjoy myself to the fullest and I thoroughly enjoy meeting the new members.