Picture posting.

Started by Tom Birky, May 29, 2024, 09:09:32 PM

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Tom Birky

Good evening guys. Posting pictures on the board...exactly the same as posting on Randy's board. You need to select a photo hosting site. Upload your desired Pic to your host site. To post here, open your Pic, select bbc medium or fully linked. Then just copy/paste into your topic. Just use the preview key before hitting post to make sure it looks good.

I use imgbb because it's free and it works well with my phone which is where I do 99.5% of my online stuff from.

I apologize, I just can't know how to post pics from every different hosting site. There's always small differences between posting from phone or computer. See if you can get help from a family member or friend, most folks are happy to help.

Technically, you should not try to download pics directly to a message. It consumes gobs of space on our hosts server. That's why we use remote photo hosting. Keeps things smaller and running happy on this boards server.

I hope this helps. If you need help, pose a question asking for help and possibly one of our members that uses that exact hosing site can help.

Best regards!  Tom


Thanks Tom, Being here, It's like driving a new car for the first time and trying to figure out how everything works and where all the buttons are after driving the same old car the for last 20 years.


Okay, Tom or someone explain to me in easy to understand directions how to post more than one photo of a car. I'm trying to post both sides of a car in one post but so far it ain't working for me. I've got an imgBB account.
"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653

Tom Birky

Are you using your phone or PC?



One question I have, is there a maximum size requirement for photos. In the past I have attempted to post a photo and got a message 'the photo was too big' or something to that effect. Thanks.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.

Tom Birky

Possibly, but I'm not tech savvy enough to know what that is. If I ever get that message I just make the pic smaller.



Quote from: Tom Birky on June 01, 2024, 11:58:41 AMAre you using your phone or PC?


Currently I'm using my android phone.
"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653

Tom Birky

Ok that's what I use too. So when you go to your imgbb account, click on the first Pic you want to post. Go to lower right corner of pic and click the </> . That's your Embed Code. Click on BBCode full linked, then click on copy. Come back to our board, press the screen in the message and a blue dot appears with the words paste and select all. Press paste and your link to your pic is copied. Now press the "return arrow" in the lower right corner of your keyboard. This is like the return lever on an old type writer, it lets you start a new line. Now don't close this message, open imgbb again and select your next pic. Same deal, lower right corner, </>, select full linked, copy, go back to your message, press screen, blue dot appears, paste.
Now, scroll down, instead of hitting post, select preview to see if it worked OK. Add whatever text you want, then post. I hope this helps!



You're the man Tom, thank you. I managed to do it last night but I have to be honest and say that I have no earthly idea what I did to make it happen! 🤦
"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653

Tom Birky

I was that way at first too. After you do it a couple of times it's actually pretty easy. Looking forward to your pics.



I'm hosting from my own website. After another member said he can't see the images it must be a forum or browser issue. They display on my home computer and browser abut not work. My images have an http not https address. So it either browser related and with the settings or it is on the forum side settings?


I have figured it out. It is the browser. Most browsers seem to redirect to https even though a site has an  http address. Go in the adressbar delete the "s" from https shorttrackmodels address to http and the images in my topics will work here and show.