I'm hanging in there with my shoulder

Started by Charlie.D, November 01, 2018, 01:30:52 PM

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I am having some issues with the shoulder. But I am going to make it there it doing some modeling. It's not easy to do it but I am doing some scratch building on a diorama to display my models
Charlie Daniel

Bob P.


I'm glad you made it back to the bench. Keep us posted on the progress of your project. I hope the shoulder continues to improve.



Bob I'm trying to build it helps me with the pain
Charlie Daniel


Ed K.


Charlie Daniel


 :)  I wish I knew what to do to help you, Charlie.  Glad you are able to do some building.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4

Dr. Kerry

Glad to hear you're doing well Charlie!!! You and you're Grandson as well! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!
"Keep It In Scale"
       Dr. Kerry