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Looking for Fish Carburetor photo

Started by Michael F, March 14, 2023, 09:16:33 AM

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Michael F

Hi Folks,

maybe anyone of you has a good color pic from this angle of this Fish Carburetor sticker/logo?
I´ve plowed the WWW for hours...

Thanks for looking!

Greetings from Germany!

Brian Conn

  Could not locate a color picture, but did locate decals for the Fireball Roberts M-1 with the Fish Carburetor sponsorship....sorry for the fee-bay link ... I just did a Google search of "Fireball Roberts M-1 decals"   there might be other vendors out there...worth a look.
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington

Michael F


thank you, for your help!

I have some Fish decals, but the logos are a little blurry.

Greetings from Germany!

Brian Conn

....That's about as good as your going to get....besides at 1:25 a lot of the small detail gets blurred/lost unfortunately....I've got quite a few of the NASCAR decals that  have the same issue
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington