Can't post pictures

Started by TonyK, March 17, 2020, 02:58:57 PM

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When I try to post a finished model I attach the picture files from my PC and the space shows the file but when I click "post" it always gives me an error. Don't remember the exact wording.

I manage to do this in the same way on other sites with no problem so I know I'm doing it right it just seems that this site doesn't like my procedure. Anyone else post their models in this way? Maybe I'm missing a step. Thanks.

Brian Conn

   I take it your wanting to post directly from a file in your hard drive verses a 3rd party photo hosting site   i.e Fotki,photobucket , etc etc.

  The software that Simplemachines (this forum) uses recognizes an URL ....the gate way to an ISP (internet service provider)....the URL to your computer would be your ISP address. An address example would look like this  216.3. 128.12
  Some forums will allow you to post a picture (file) directly from your hard drive which is very risky to everyone involved since their software does not require an URL to post pictures.

  Here is what an URL looks like when used with a 3rd party photo hosting site (disregard the periods) ....................... URL=[/IMG][/URL]........this is the link to a picture in my Fotki acct.
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


Yes, that's the error message. The pictures are always 800 x 600 jpg's. Seems like a good size whether I post it online or send to someone. Guess I could try a smaller size to see if that works or go through the trouble of getting an outside hosting site as pointed out above. I just always try and keep it simple.

Brian Conn

Try going with 640 X 480 or less and see if the message changes pictures posted here are all 640 X 480 or slightly less.  I use a smaller flat screen t.v for a monitor and at 800 X 600 only a small portion of the picture would be viewable without scrolling back and forth and up and down.   
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


Just tried posting pictures 640 x 480 and get the same message.

Brian Conn

  Sounds like your doing everything right on your end, but without a URL, the software that operates this site wont recognize your pictures thus the error message.
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington