Check in Time

Started by Charlie.D, June 11, 2021, 07:16:40 PM

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I'm doing good at this time. I'm having good days more than bad days. I'm still building just finished a project build.  It's a CANCER BUILD for a 4 year old kid. Who Beat Cancer
Charlie Daniel


That seems like a truly neat thing to do for that little guy. I have been in the hospital a couple times in the last year and it is a very moving experience to see these little ones fighting big diseases. I bet the little guy was happy with that gift.
"Rodder, racer,  builder, farmer, backyard engineer"


Good deal, Charlie.

Glad you are feeling better.

Still looking forward to seeing you at the show Aug 14. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


I doing well, just gluing plastic and drawing art for new decals. How about some opinions on one, Ed Hoffman's 1970 Chevelle Blue and White car anyone think they would like to do it?