Well this is a first......

Started by Volzfan59, June 08, 2024, 04:41:58 PM

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I've been working on a new Pontiac possibly for Razorback 46's racing series next season. Got the sponsorship lined up and started the painting process. Got everything painted except for the body. After working on the body, got it primed and one of the colors on. Let it dry for almost 48 hours. Shot the second color yesterday morning, everything was just peachy. Woke up this morning, went to admire my work only to find one dead gnat stuck on the hood and another stuck to the cowl! That has never happened to me in my life. Scratched the paint removing the gnats. Back to the body shop we go.

Has anything like that ever happened to y'all? Please, do tell.

On goes life 🥴
"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653

Tom Birky

Of course! Laid down a great looking metallic maroon enamel on a 67 Corvette I'm working on. (Great looking for me anyways). Let it dry a day or two, found an eyelash stuck to the rear quarter. Picked out out and polished it, looks good enough. I weighed repainting it and decided there was too much I could screw up so I'm good with it. Also had a freshly painted hood for something, went to place it in the dehydrator and dropped it shiny side down on the floor. I think I repainted that hood 4 times. Laid down a nice smooth coat on try #3 only to discover I grabbed the wrong can of blue.And so it goes... :o


 >:( I've dropped a wet one in the grass. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653


I feel your pain, Steve! 

I LIKE to paint outdoors, natural ventilation and all that.  I HATE to paint outdoors, too many bugs, too much pollen, too many things blowing around. 

I LIKE to paint indoors, controlled humidity & temperature, nice spray booth, compressor for my airbrush.  I HATE to paint indoors, too much cat & dog hair floating around, have to wear my respirator, clean up can be smelly. 

I guess you just can't win!


Until we're finished remodeling our new (to us) house, I do all of my spray painting outside. I guess the gnats followed me in.

Once the house is finished and we move, I'm building a workshop for models and bass fishing. Plan it to have a carport for my boat. Probably going to work on it late fall/early winter. Then I'll get a spray booth and bug everyone for air brushing lessons.

If anyone wants a 3000 sq ft house in south east Arkansas (9 mi from Louisiana), we'll have one for sale soon.
"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653

Razorback 46

I've gotten bugs and dust in mine before. I've also tried to paint a car quickly before it started raining (dumb idea). I usually find a way to knock off the bits that don't belong and do some touch-up though.


There was this time that I couldn't decide which hood to use, so I painted them both. Left them sitting on the workbench in the garage, with the door open. Went inside, poured a cup of coffee n went back to the garage. The cat was batting both hoods around, having a wonderful time. Bummer you say - I don't even own a cat!!!
"It's hard to throw stones when you're washing feet"


Quote from: Speedracer on June 09, 2024, 12:31:33 AMThere was this time that I couldn't decide which hood to use, so I painted them both. Left them sitting on the workbench in the garage, with the door open. Went inside, poured a cup of coffee n went back to the garage. The cat was batting both hoods around, having a wonderful time. Bummer you say - I don't even own a cat!!!

Haha, "didn't even own a cat"! Other than having to redo your hoods, that's pretty doggone funny.
"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653


I take it back, Speedracer's "cat" comment wasn't funny at all. I've jinxed myself. After fixing the gnat damage, I repainted my Pontiac. Brought it to the bench to dry. The hood fell off, paint side down on the mat I have under my bench. Sanded the damaged area, time to paint...... again!

"Many men fish all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish that they are after." Henry David Thoreau

"I am, Sir, a brother of the angle" from the book The Compleat Angler. Izaak Walton 1653


 >:(   Tom, looks like the preceding post is an invasion. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4

Razorback 46

More times than I care to remember.