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Gluing Windows in from the Outside

Started by David Bogard, March 13, 2018, 12:51:25 AM

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David Bogard

I am working on the Moebius Melrose Missile kit and it's pretty good in many ways, not so great in a few others. I am coming up on the windows and they are to be glued in from the outside (windshield and rear glass). There is no real good trough for them to sit in and snap into so this is going to be tricky. I already painted the window trim silver (just to make matters worse!). So here's the question, what is the best (translated Cleanest) way to glue windshields, etc. that must be attached from the outside? Thanks!
I appreciate people that actually build and post models.


Just a thought I have, may not work.  Place the windows in place and tape them down, then run a small bead of window glue around the inside.  Sounds possible, just not sure how practical it would be.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.

Bob P.


How did you end up installing these windows???


Bob P.

Thanks David,

When I get to this point on my 50 Chevy pickup build, I may need to ask more questions.



 While on the subject of windows, and window maker clear cement. I got roped into building a model of a classmates first car. It was a '50 Ford 4door, with a Flathead six in it. Not a readily available kit. But, I found a resin body online, and started making progress on the build. That is until I got to the wind wings on the rear doors. I tried cutting all kinds of clear material to make them, but nothing looked right. I just happened to stumble on a bottle of Testors window maker/ clear cement in my junk, and decided to try it. It work unbelievably well.
I had been back burnering a build of a chopped '40 Ford sedan using a rare resin body from a now defunct resin caster. The reason, you guessed it, ya gotta make all the windows. I made the windshield pieces from rigid clear material, and glued them in place with the clear cement. But, for the rest of the windows I used window maker, and was even able to give the a little tint with some Future, and a little blue, and green food coloring. Pretty cool stuff, if you haven't tried it.



Not too long ago, wasn't there a posting where a guy said to put blue painter's tape on the windows to
keep the excess off of where it will show, and then krazy glue it in???

Or am I imagining things again? :-)



Okay I have to know if what I heard is true, is the great Dave Bogard going to be in Clarksville next Saturday for the model show???  I need to to know


I will have 2 tables also,  and my built models have already taken there place as door stops. I do have a feeling I might take home more than I bring. I am sure I will bring some from the Bogard vault back with me. To bad I have to go to Clarksville to pick them up. Just as bad as getting into the Leslie vault have to got  Memphis to get there. You got extra set of front & rear bumpers for a Jo-Han 63 Chrysler 300??