Finally made it....

Started by sentsat71, June 11, 2017, 07:26:28 AM

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Thanks to Doc Kerry for letting me know about this site. just took me a while to get around to checking it out after "applying" for membership. Things have been a bit hectic for me the past couple of weeks. More on that later.

BUT, the GOOD news is that I now have internet at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   (Snoopy Happy Dance) (Dancing Banana)
Were some things that helped bring this about. The main one is that I have FANTASTIC Landlords for the house that I'm renting!!!! The neat thing is that I've known them for years as we were in the same grade in the local schools system, back in the day. And since I've been "frugal" when it comes to the various utilities, they decided, that since I was having "issues" with the town library computers they felt they could cover the cost of internet without having to increase my rent. The issues with the library computers started them seeing what they could do to help me. Then with recent events, they said it was time to go for it. So, as of last Wed., I finally got internet at home,. 

There was one other issue that helped bring about getting internet. My 12 year old Dell computer crashed big time last Nov. Was s-l-o-w-l-y rebuilt by someone I know in my small home town,. But since he has health issues, there were times when he didn't feel like working on it. Plus it took me a month to get it to him and 3 months to get it back. That's when the talk of getting internet at home really got started. I did not want to hook the old Dell up to internet as it had not been hooked up to it since 2008, and being an older Windows platform, I didn't want to take the chance of having it hacked before getting a good anti-virus on it, as I didn't want to lose what was on the computer.....but alas, I did lose everything stored on it. But....instead of installing the newer Windows platform, I went with what's called Linux operating platform. I remember how a few instructors at ITT Tech hated Windows, were not overly fond of MAC, and they preferred the Linux operating system, as does the party who rebuilt mine. Still trying to get used to it,.....

Wow....get me started and I don't know when to quit!!  So, sorry for the long post......

Glad to be here! And many thanks to those who have made this site possible!! 
Ed K.


No matter the cause, welcome. Good to hear from you.
"Days are neither good nor bad, they are what you make of them."

Greg Birky

I'm so glad you made it here, Ed!!!  Sounds like your landlords are cream of the crop!!!  This is a great new place to hang out and one by one, we're back together again.🤗👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🏁
The "Ole Bench Racer" 

Greg Birky