I hope everyone is doing good

Started by Charlie.D, April 02, 2020, 04:25:56 PM

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With this stupid virus going around I hope doing and safe. Being cooped up in the house is driving me crazy.  But I am crazy already but I'm hanging out in the model room and chilling out
Charlie Daniel


I think everybody is going crazy.  But we will get through it.  Have fun with your models, Charlie. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4

Tom Birky

Howdy Charlie! Glad you're well. Might as well carve some plastic while you're chilling. Be safe.


Brian Conn

  Keeping busy at work....busy enough that I haven't spent a whole lot of time in the hobby room.
  Last week I was given a picture I.D and "The Letter" stating that I work for an essential business ( U.S.D.A type stuff) and that I am an essential employee due to the stay at home orders that where imposed originally in the Ks. City Metro area that later where put in place in Kansas , Nebraska and Missouri.  I also carry a copy of "The Letter" in my own personal truck in case I am stopped by law enforcement between home and work as there is a stay at home order in place here in Topeka , but you wouldn't really know it as very few, if any, are really fallowing it.
  I now get my temperature taken before starting the work day.  I have to be to the point of being hyper vigilant with social distancing, hand washing, etc. while out in the field so as to not bring home ANYTHING as my wife Amy has heart and lung issues that if she where to get the virus ,it more than likely would kill her. 
  For me the days are surreal...I kind of float thru them like those days post 9-11
  I miss going out to eat with my wife and base ball season :'(
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


Me, I have gotten used to staying home alot long before  COVID 19 came along.....
But them, maybe growing up, we did not go to a lot of places...so,in a way, I guess you could say I grew up like this,....
On the other hand, there are times i need to check what day of the week it is, as I lose track
Also means my newest DVD player may not last as long as the 1st one did....am on my 3rd since July 2016....Second one did not even last a year.....
And, unfortunately, not building models either.....
Working with my other main hobby.....
Ed K.