in the new issue of SA, June 2020....

Started by sentsat71, May 03, 2020, 11:47:55 AM

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Inside the front cover is the AMT ad for upcoming releases...
Headling the ad is the reissue of the 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 XL 3n1 jut Stock, Custom, Advanced Custom....
Might make some interest for possible ideas for the ones interested in  Latem Models or mayve even eary NASCAR ot USAC stocks

Other items in the  add are
1960 Ford Ranchero with Coca Cola

Vintage Police Car (1927 Ford Phaetonj?)

And the '65 Ford Fairlane Modified Stocker....
However, either R2/AMT text proof readers or SA proof readers were asleep or AMT changed the scale of this listed at 1/8 scale......

One more flub I caught (so far) on page 8....SA proofreaders had to be napping....or did I miss the big announcemnt..
They have the Revell '29 Model A Roadster coming from Round 2.....
What can I say, My latter days at Avis, my fire exinguisher servicing days, and the CADD Tech job I had, attention to detail, and the CADD Tech job, was to pay attention to the text when proof reading drawings....And, since there is not much to do for the time being....started paying attention to little things in this issue.... ::) ::) :)

For those interested in DieCast models, Replicarz has come out with the 1972 Javelin Trans Am Roy Woods Racing #1 that George Follmer drove
But scale is not mentioned....another gaff by SA? Judging from the price it has to be 1/18 scale....MSRP: $199.95

If one is really interested,
has come out with (from what I gather, is 1/8 sale kits, that you buy over time(?) of:
Ghostbusters ECTO-1
Doc Browns time machine DeLorian
James Bond's  Aston Martin DB5 from Goldefinber
Elanor '67 Mustang from "Gone in 60 Sseconds
for a mere $1.700.00 over 141 issues....
Ed K.

Tom Birky

Thanks for all that info. I want that Delorean!!! But not $1800 worth. Very cool stuff!




Contacted SA via email.....they responded....

the Round 2 add inside the front cover where the reiisue of the Fairlane Modified Stocker as being 1/8th scale, is their mistake...

SA goofed on the '29 Model A Roadster, it is from Revell not R2

And the #1 RWR/George Follmer Javelin die-cast is 1/18th.....
Ed K.


Just a note on your posting the line that has the below ..
James Bond's  Aston Martin DB5 from Goldefinber 
should read.......
James Bond's  Aston Martin DB5 from Goldfinger

Sorry I could note stop myself from doing it......LOL


 SA has ventured into diecast a few times in the past, and has always had to back off for some reason. I personally have no interest in diecast. But, I believe there is some crossover interest. I am afraid that the diecast end of it could crowd out the plastic model part of the magazine, that is the real interest to me.




hate it when the fingers do not do what the brain tells them to... >:(

Ah, seems like I'm not the only one who catches things.... ;)

Ed K.


I hear ya.....
But that company probably paid SA a huge amount of $$$ to have those ads placed.....

Ed K.


EVERYTHING  is about money.  It started around 1960 when they allowed stores to open on Sundays.  Since then it's been grab every penny you can.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


Did they pay them big money to fire the proofreader too? I SA doesn't get their act together, I'm going to drop them after many years of subscribing.



Have you written to the editor at SA? 
Need to let them know your feelings....for whatever good it will do.....
Just my opinion.....
Ed K.


We finally  got our June issue in the mail yesterday, and there was VERY LITTLE of interest in it to me.  Not even any contest cars to look at. 

I read the new kits, mail, tips and questions, and maybe I'll read about the 4 door Impala and the Buick GN.

They have a new editor.  Looks like he wants to make a lot of changes. 

Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


I always read Scale Auto cover to cover because I'm starved for anything model related. Yes, this issue had little valuable content. The huge diecast section was a surprise but I'm guessing it provided money for the magazine. I think the editor should explain why it's there otherwise it might scare future readers from subscribing or just not continuing their subscription.
I still like reviews of models the best.


 I think there is a giant generation gap between the people that actually buy, and build model cars, and trucks, and those that design, and manufacture the kits. Who do you know thats been pining away for a four door Impala, or a mid sixties station wagon, or a bread truck? And, what's with those repops of early simplistic kits, and old movie cars? I refuse to buy these kits, because they only encourage this insanity.



Ever since Drew Hierwarter left, the Bench Racer section has suffered for us short tracker fans.....
Ed K.


True.  And I mentioned that in my email to them. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4