Covid shots

Started by sentsat71, May 14, 2021, 09:18:42 AM

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Got my 2nd one yesterday.....
just hope I don't get the strong chills followed by extreme weakness this time....
Tomorrow should tell the tale on it was on a Sat or 2 days after the 1st shot....
That Sat. was a "lost" day, as i slept most of the day and into the night.
Ed K.

Tom Birky

Good luck Ed. Same happened to me. Chills, headache,  super tired. But its behind me now. 


Brian Conn

No issues at all after the 1st or 2nd round........was prepared anyway with plenty of Tylenol,Compazine (for nausea) and Power Ade sports drink
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


Really slept hard Fri. afternoon, but that was all. No chills or weakness yesterday, which i was glad as I was then able to make it to a celebration of life of a distant cousin mine in a neighboring town. Still doing fine this morning.
Did drink some gatorade on Fri, maybe even started on some Thurs after getting home. Also drank some Propel which has electrolytes in it.
Upper arm where they stuck me is still a little tender but the soreness is for the most part, gone.....
Ed K.


I didn't have any reaction after the first shot.  I did with the 2nd tho. Just weak, achy, sore muscles, and sleepy like you guys.. Done now tho. Trying to get back to living somewhat normal.



no problems at all and am ready for a booster when needed.Thank God for this!

Brian Conn

  Its been just over 2 months since I received round 2 and I have had some minor issues....nothing major but will be discussing it with my Dr. next visit in a few months.....unexplained sharp pain in my hand that comes and goes (not arthritis) .....involuntary twitching in my fingers.....index finger on L hand locked up a couple of times while sanding the body on the Torino build....some other unexplained issues as well....maybe its just coincidence with my age but before the 2nd round I had none of these issues.
  Hind sight being 20/20 I'm not so sure now that getting round 2 was worth the pain and issues I'm dealing with especially now that we're being told that the shots you got are defenseless against the Delta strain.

  We are all different...just because I'm having some issues that might or might not be related to the round 2 shot don't let this post of mine determine your choice....from the sound of things ,it looks like we all are headed back to where we where at this time last year.     
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


Guess I am what is called an anti-vaxxer.  Due to some past medical issues my doctor recommended I should not take the shot, but it was to be my decision.  After further research I decided to take my chances and avoid the vaccine.  So, I will have to mask up anytime I am in the general public. That is a sore issue with me. I have heard it said: If a pair of hairy a$$ cheeks, Hanes underwear, and Wrangler jeans can't stop a fart, then how is a mask going to hold back this virus?
Hope I didn't overstep any rules with this post, old-age frustration is beginning to set-in.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.


Got my J & J shot back in March or April and everything went well. Been feeling pretty good about it since the past few weeks I keep reading that the Delta variant has been mainly affecting non vaccinated people. Now this morning I read that 3/4 of the people who got it are vaccinated. Does anyone know what they're finding?

I know I'm not immune to all but still deserve to get the right info and makes you wonder if they can't give you a straight answer how do we make decisions? Then there's the whole wear a mask don't have to wear a mask debate. <sigh>

Brian Conn

Quote from: TarheelRick on July 30, 2021, 08:11:26 AM
Guess I am what is called an anti-vaxxer.  Due to some past medical issues my doctor recommended I should not take the shot, but it was to be my decision.  After further research I decided to take my chances and avoid the vaccine.  So, I will have to mask up anytime I am in the general public. That is a sore issue with me. I have heard it said: If a pair of hairy a$$ cheeks, Hanes underwear, and Wrangler jeans can't stop a fart, then how is a mask going to hold back this virus?
Hope I didn't overstep any rules with this post, old-age frustration is beginning to set-in.
...I wouldn't label you as an anti vaxxer ....I'm pretty sure that if your medical condition was normal with no under lying issues and your Dr. was o.k with it that you would err on the side of your safety and caution and get the vaccination.....its obvious that you can think for yourself and act accordingly.  My wife Amy's daughter has the same issue....advised not to get the shot(s) by her Dr. due to an under lying health issue.
      The anti vaxxers ,in my opinion, are politically motivated and no matter what virus or influenza may be lurking out there , they are not going to vaccinate their children or them selves and want you to fallow suite and do the same thing.
  As far as mask goes, your point about holding back the virus is hilarious.....mines a little more refined:
  If you walk into a restaurant with a mask on and smell the aroma of food being prepared, then the mask isn't going to work....period.....besides you have to wear a mask to enter the restaurant, yet when you are seated you remove it while you dine ???

  I was in some of the hottest of the hot spots here in the mid west during Covid....Kansas City metro, Omaha and Lincoln Neb., Des Moines Ia. , Wichita, Ks. with work...wore a bandanna double folded over faithfully and that cut down on being able to actually smell things like I could with a simple cloth or paper mask.....heck even my Kansas City Royals neck gaiter works better than a mask since its made of a thicker material and forms to the contour of my face with no gaps. 
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


I got mine back in March (both) about the time I had my left knee replaced and to date I've had no problems at all.



looking foward to our booster and have ordered new mask to combat the new covid......sorry,not looking to die right now.I support Biden and science