Deal's Wheels goes Short Track'n

Started by James2, June 22, 2017, 05:56:04 PM

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In keeping with my fender car theme I though I'd show this one. It's amt 36 Chevy, quartered, cut and reassembled on a Deal's Wheels chassis. Deal is even up on the wheel! I'd show him but he's doing his best Dale Sr. impersonation, saluting the "your number one" sign!

"Days are neither good nor bad, they are what you make of them."




I was wondering about the car in your avatar.....
Pretty wild looking car...!!
Ed K.


Thanks guys, no clown car here. This car has actually won some prestigious awards in the Short Track ranks.
In case you don't know that body started as 1/24 scale
"Days are neither good nor bad, they are what you make of them."

David Bogard

Wonderfully creative and fun! It takes more skill to pull something like this off than one of those "all the details" builds. You have a terrific skill-set James!
I appreciate people that actually build and post models.
