(PHOTO BUCKET GOING AWAY) What are you switching to

Started by Bob P., July 08, 2017, 02:15:19 PM

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Bob P.

My photo bucket is still working, but everything I read, indicates it's only a mater of time until we can't post third party photo's.
It's already happened to some on this site and many on other sites. I looked at Photo Bucket and they want $39.00 per month for third party use.

I store photo's on One Drive and that won't work for third party.
I checked on Google photo's and that won't work either.
I'm thinking about going to Fotki for a small monthly fee.

I would be interested in knowing what you are going to switch to, to correct this problem.

Thanks for any help you can provide.



Unless there is a free or almost free site I am done. I don't mind paying for a service but I'll not pay a ransom for posting 3rd party. Principal!
It's to bad this site won't allow direct upload like some do.
"Days are neither good nor bad, they are what you make of them."


 :)  Me too.  It is often trouble for me  --   free  -- so why pay  money for problems ?   
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


Has anyone tried posting a link here of a picture on PH?
There could be a way around this for existing pix. Then we could start a new account somewhere else!
"Days are neither good nor bad, they are what you make of them."

Gary Davis

I left Photobucket 10 yrs ago and haven't regreted it. I'm using FOTKI and am paying $24.00 a yr and get 100 GB and haven't had any major problems with them. The only problem I had was when they moved their operation to a Different Country and that was about 5 yrs ago. They do communicate with people when emailed with questions. Here's a link if so anyone can take a look.    https://secure.fotki.com/payment/view
"Man...I love the smell of Methonal and Dirt in the morning. Then....Methonal and Asphalt in the afternoon is GOLDEN also."

Tom Birky

Flickr is still free. I've been on for 4 years with no problems. Tb


 I have a question why can't we just post from are own pc? That is the why I do it on all the other sites. Just a question.


 :)  Tom, I  have nothing anywhere near ready to post. I think what I will do is to let the sleeping dog ( PB ) lie until I do.  And then try Flickr, unless, something comes for us as D Branson suggests.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


Mopar or no-car

Tom Birky

I'm not a computer expert, but I suspect the reason you can't post directly from your computer has something to do with storage space on a given server. Pics take LOTS of room! All of the 'big boards' that I know use remote hosting (Randy Ayers, Spotlight Hobbies, others).
Guys on the other message boards are having the same pains. Seems like Fotki and Flickr are the 2 most popular solutions.



 :)  Jon or John ?   I will not be making any waves.  Whatever is best. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


Well looks like it is Flickr for me if PB is going to start charging. Looked at Fotki where I used to have pics and they say they will let me have them for 1.53 per month. I don't post enough to pay someone to host them for me.

Mopar or no-car


I have used Fotki for 8 years or so. Never had an issue. After a couple years they went to the "pay to play" plan.
You get options on years. Obviously, if you sign up for more years at a time, it's less in the long run. I usually renew for 2 years at a time. Think it's about $40 for 2 years. Not bad in my opinion. My pics are there and easy to retrieve and share.

Bob P.


My Photo bucket finally shut me down for 3rd party posting.

I signed up on Fotki for the one month trial. The cost for one year will be $24.00 I have copied some of my photo's over and updated some of my deleted photo's on this forum. This seems a little more difficult to use, for me, but I'm not very good with computers. I guess if I can use it anybody can.

Two sample photo's below. One full size and the other Thumbnail.

I wish there was a size between these two

Hosted on Fotki

Hosted on Fotki



Bob, On Fotki in the "photo sharing area"........ It will allow you to resize your pics.
I go by Fred's old rule of 650 pixels on the longest edge. Just click "share" above the pic and it takes you to another view of the pic.
Under the pic is a box that says "longest edge". Type your number in there (650). Then click "resize".
After it updates, I choose "Direct link to image". Highlight that long line (it'll run out of the box) and post it as you would do from that point.

Hope this helps.......