Things come back...

Started by James2, June 04, 2017, 10:52:43 AM

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Well well well, what do we have here? Looks like some good old boys have gathered together again. Thanks to my buddy John2 for the heads up on the new site.
Most of you may remember me from The other forum and hopefully I'll be able to contribute here as well. My model building time has slowed some since Freds but I still spend about an hour a week at the bench. Mostly hotel builds as I'm working out of town 5 days a week. I have not built much short track cars as of late but I still have some planned. I do have a recent completion I'll share later when I have my LT going. THANKS...
It's great to be here and I look forward to hearing from everyone!
"Days are neither good nor bad, they are what you make of them."

Bill in MA

Well well well, hello there, sir!  Been a long time, good to see you on here.  :D
Professional driver on closed course.  Do not attempt.


 :)  Yes, so good to be hooked up together again.  For those who do not know, this guy is quite a modeler.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


glad to see you here!your builds are always super!


Welcome James , Looking forward to seeing some of your great builds again!

Rick :)


Yeah, I'm thinkin' I 'member you! Glad to see you here. Am waiting to see some of your building!


I know all about building in hotels rooms. I do it about 200 nights a year. I hardly do any modeling at home. I enjoy doing modeling in hotels rooms.
Charlie Daniel



Thanks for the kind comments everyone, it's good to hear from you guys. While we all encounter various trials and tribulations it is still nice to have a hobby and friends to distract us from life's bumps for awhile.

I am currently working in Lancaster, Ohio just S.E. of Columbus and I'll be here through the end of the year.

I already found a good LHS, The Smoke Stack Hobby Shop. They have all the supplies you could want and will order it if the don't! Hobby Lobby has a store within walking distance from the hotel too!

As I said I haven't done much Short Track for a while but have been building. I'll be posting some of the Non-ST stuff and a few of my older ST builds soon.

Thanks again!

PS Notice how I spaced my sentences so John2 could read it easier, lol.
"Days are neither good nor bad, they are what you make of them."


 :P  Actually, I believe I did complain about that once, but that  was
W    A    Y   B   A   C   K  .   

Some long winded folks just go and go and go.  I need to breathe sometimes.

Better for a forum to talk a lot rather than not much, I guess.

I've turned over a new leaf.  I am more tolerant now.   :)

I appreciate that J2.  Helps me keep from having to start over.  And over.  And over.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4